In British Columbia the industry of underground Utility Line Locating is on the rise as safety measures and cultures in the workplace are constantly improving.

BC 1 Calls are becoming much more known to the public with aggressive advertising campaigns from the BC Common Ground Alliance as well as the British Columbia Government to be safer when you dig. Today it is commonplace that in all industries that underground utility inspection is completed prior any ground disturbance.

Geoterra provides professional underground utility locators that specialize in the detection of underground facilities. Our locators detect underground facilities on a variety of projects such as pipelines, plant sites, oil and gas leases to private and municipal underground infrastructure. We use industry leading Fuji and Vivax equipment and staff with years of experience based out of our Fort Nelson, Fort St. John, and Prince George offices, and we will conduct work throughout the province of British Columbia. We are also experienced at conducting line location projects in any terrain and season!

Utility Line Locating Services Include:
  • Certified Technicians
  • BC One Call Response
  • Multi-Pass Sweeps
  • Pipeline Project Sweeping
  • Emergency Underground Utility Locating
  • On-site Ground Disturbance Inspections
  • Crossing Protocols Support Locates
  • Digital Utility Mapping & Photography

Line Locator Request Form

Fast, Safe, & Experienced Line Locators

Contact us through the form or email /phone us directly.
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Reach out to us directly for your line locating project needs & questions.